617 328 5888 Info@GPDcorp.com

Sending Us Work

To Send Work

Most of the work we receive is sent to us as an email file attachment at the address given below. This is a shared inbox which is monitored by all employees. If the file(s) is larger than 25 megabytes and you don’t have a way of sending, please email us asking for a link to a shared drive folder. We will reply with an email that has a link which when clicked allows you to transfer files to our drive folder. Once this is done, please let us know by email that the file has been transfer so we can retrieve.

We always send a confirmation of receipt for work sent to us so you know we have it. We typically receive PDF [*.PDF] files as they are preferred to other file types such as Microsoft Word [*.DOC] or PowerPoint [*.PPT]. This to avoid any possible confusion resulting from different versions of software formatting information inconsistently which a PDF file will not do. Should a PDF file not be available, we will work with what is provided. Also, providing the Patent Office notice can be very helpful. If we are provided with the Patent Office Notice, we will only prepare figures mentioned in the notice unless further instructions are provided.

Normal turn-around time is 10 business days for the first draft. If you need faster service our Pricing And Scheduling has information about expedited rates.

Note: We do not offer the online ordering page at this time. 

Ordering Patent Drawings Using E-Mail

Our address:




Maximum file size: 25 megabytes The Order Form Template to the right can be copied and pasted into your email if desired.


Email Subject: Patent Drawing Order

Your Name:

Your Case Number:

Your Expedited Date (Optional):

Your Filing Date (Optional):

This is a: New Case
Please prepare: All New Formal Drawings

Any Message or Instructions? :